Infant colic: What is it and how to manage it?

Article written by our Neonatologist, Dra. Isabel Miras Infant colic is a recurrent episode of intense crying or irritability in young…

Precocious puberty

Normal puberty involves both physical body changes and psychological and emotional changes and should begin after the age of 8 years…

Child of a mother with Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: frequently asked questions

Article written by our Pediatric Endocrinologist Dra. Laura Alonso Gamo One of the most common endocrinological problems in pregnant…

Seasonal Allergy

Article written by Dr. Francisco Recio (Pediatric Pneumologist) With the arrival of spring and good weather comes one of the most…

The importance of vaccination against influenza, VRS and COVID-19

Our pharmacist Montse Fernández Carazo tells us everything you need to know in this article about:2023-2024 vaccination campaign…


Dr. Francisco Recio Valcarce Asthma is a heterogeneous disease that chronically affects the airways. The most common symptoms are…

Managing Jealousy When a New Sibling Arrives

The arrival of a new brother or sister is an event that can stir mixed emotions in the older child. On one hand, they may feel curiosity,…

Back to school

The start of the school year is here again, bringing with it the excitement of children reuniting with their classmates, using new…


According to data from the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), between 50 and 80% of the damage caused by sun exposure that an…

Sun Protection

Which sunscreen to use, how to apply it, and other recommendations "Skin redness, sunburns, and allergic reactions are the most common…

Water Safety

Pools, Beaches, Lakes, Rivers... Gabriela Fernández Álvaro Nurse  During vacations, we often relax with rules, customs,…

Traveling with children

Traveling with children is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. Seeing their faces light up as they explore new places, enjoying…

Bites, prevention, and management.

How to prevent and deal with mosquito and insect bites Summer has arrived, and with it, the dreaded mosquitoes! Insect bites are more…


Impetigo, the most common childhood infection in summer Impetigo is a superficial and localized skin infection caused by bacteria…

Atopic dermatitis

Dr. Silke Bianca Kirchschläger Nieto What is atopic dermatitis? Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic skin disease that can…

Nursery School: Yes or No?

The immune system of children strengthens as they grow and are exposed to different pathogens. Many parents believe that their child…

Hand, Foot and Mouth Syndrome or Disease

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Syndrome is a viral disease that causes ulcers in the mouth and blister-like lesions on the hands, feet, and…

Cold, common cold, or upper respiratory tract infection

The common cold, or a cold, consists of a set of symptoms (nasal congestion, cough, sneezing, sore throat, headache, and/or malaise)…

Acute gastroenteritis

Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is the inflammation of the digestive tract that results in frequent, watery bowel movements, often accompanied…

Constipation in childhood

Constipation is a very common problem in childhood. It tends to occur between the ages of 2 and 4, and unlike in adults, it is slightly…

Complementary Feeding

The WHO recommends exclusively feeding on milk, whether it is maternal breastfeeding or artificial feeding, until 6 months of age,…

Starting from 6 months, schedules and routines

Recommendations on the Introduction of Complementary Feeding, Schedules, and Routines Guidelines for introducing complementary feeding:…

Urates in the diaper

Is my baby urinating blood? Is it serious?In general, spotting in the diaper in the first few days of life that is identified as…

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

How should my baby sleep? What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)? Dr. Isabel Miras Aguilar, Neonatology Specialist   Where…

Care of the umbilical cord

Dra. Isabel Miras Aguilar, especialista en Neonatología  

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