Vaccination Schedule 2023
Source: Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Pediatric Association (CAV-AEP)
As every year, the Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Pediatric Association (CAV-AEP) updates its recommendations for immunization in children, adolescents, and pregnant women residing in Spain.
The 2+1 schedule for infants (two, four, and 11 months) is maintained, including premature infants, for hexavalent vaccines (DTaP-IPV-Hib-HB) and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
At six years of age, a booster with DTaP-IPV is given to those who received the 2+1 schedule with hexavalent vaccines as infants, and in adolescence, a single dose of Tdap is recommended. In pregnant women, Tdap is administered in each pregnancy, preferably between weeks 27 and 32, although it can be given from week 20 of gestation if there is a risk of preterm birth.
All infants should receive vaccines against rotavirus (two or three doses) and meningococcal B (2+1).
All children between six and 59 months of age should be vaccinated annually against influenza, in addition to the high-risk groups from six months of age.
MenACWY should be administered at 12 months of age and to adolescents between 12 and 18 years who have not received it before.
The recommendations for MMR (12 months and three to four years) and varicella (15 months and three to four years) remain the same, with the use of the tetravalent vaccine (MMRV) preferred for the second dose of varicella.
Recommendations for the use of COVID-19 vaccines in the pediatric age group will be periodically updated on the CAV-AEP website.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is recommended for all adolescents, regardless of gender, at 12 years of age.
As new recommendations, the systematic use of nirsevimab is included for newborns and infants under six months as passive immunization against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and the hexavalent vaccines are consolidated into a single section.